Sunday, March 15, 2015


I had no plan to upload my testimony here because I can't express myself in English. However, I strongly felt that the Holy Spirit kept urging me to tell people here suffering from OCD how the Lord Jesus healed me. I wrote my first writing in English on the internet, for testimony is to express the glory of God, not myself. I prayed to God that you all sees God’s power and his love, not my own story while reading my testimony. 

I had suffered from OCD for nearly 30 years, which means that I had never lived a normal life until God healed me several months ago. Checking, demanding reassurances and arranging items in a specific way had worn me out. I was the only irregular church goer, but God always sustained me, so that I was barely able to survive even though OCD had completely thwarted my passion and plans for life.

It took so long for me to recognize the fact that I was an Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder patient. I just imputed my struggle to my lack of self-control or a character flaw although sometimes I thought something was surely wrong with me. Despite repetitive failure, I was proud before God. Then, I never thought I needed God’s help in order to still the severe storm inside me. It was only after I found the fact that an sufferer cannot defeat OCD at all that I became desperate and humble, and surrendered to the LORD. I read the testimonies that through fasting and prayer, the Holy Spirit completely healed so many terminal patients. So I was sure that my creator, God would also set me free if I tried it. I started my first fasting at prayer centre, where service was held 5 times a day everyday, but I got skeptical on the first day of fasting because I was too weak to pray. I thought only fasting was nothing without prayer and petition so that I decided to quit. Till then, I had never heard God’s voice and regarded that kind of experience as something supernatural for only a few special and spiritual people. But I was wrong. ‘God tells the poor in heart who is desperate and humble.’ I heard the voice of God in my chest soon after I gave up fasting. ‘You do not believe me about this!’ The voice inside me, but it was not my voice. I had never heard auditory hallucinations nor another voice from my heart. Except OCD, I was the kind of person who was rational and cool-headed. I was amazed and asked “Is it God?”, “I don’t believe you about this? Are you saying about fasting?”. Then, God assured me three times in different ways that I had to fast and pray and I resumed fasting and prayer. On the third day, I vomited violently over and over again so that I could not attend services at all and I was afraid if I would end up in the hospital, but, I did not give up for it was God’s will. I repented for pride and foolishness. And I couldn’t help but confess that I was the one who crucified Jesus and mocked him, neither the chief priests nor the Roman soldiers. During the break between services, I flicked open the Bible with inattention and Mark5:34 came into sight. “Your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” Right at that moment, I realized that the Lord Jesus completely healed me so that my lifelong suffering was over at last. Early childhood onset, long history, no social life, ……. There was no hope, but God had mercy on me just like he led Israel out of bondage of Egypt. Hallelujah! I didn’t know what it means exactly whenever Christians cried "Hallelujah!". But now I also can shout “Hallelujah! My God is the only true God and Jesus Christ is my LORD!” with all my heart.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Prayer for Children

In the mighy name of Jesus I break every curse that has been spoken over my child _____, I render them harmless and ineffective. I bind the spirits that are working through her/him. I cancel the demonic operation that has been set to deceive my child. I cancel and destroy every plot and plan of the devil and every demonic forces trying to control her/him.
In the name of Jesus I cancel the chants, spells and written curses that have been placed to destroy my child. Let the wickedness be overcome by your great power, now, Lord. Let your arm lift her out of this pit, and let your anger fall and destroy the strongholds of the enemy as I stand firm in faith in your hands and believe that you have my child in your hands.
Purge her/his lips and tongue to speak only holy things so that she/him will give no place to the enemy. Baptize her/him in the Holy Spirit with fire and let the fire of God be seen in the spirit to purge all wickedness that is trying to control her/him. The devil cannot have her/him, but the Holy Spirit who is burning within me will uproot and destroy all wicked plans and operations against my child.
Lord, release your fire over my child. I walk in your obedience and you promised that if we serve you that you would save my whole family.
Purify her/his heart with so much goodness and innocence, that evil will have no gateway into her/his soul.
The Lord is her/his defender. Jehovah Nissi is her/his banner. And His banner over him/her is love. I lift the name of Jesus over this demonic assignment against me and my child and the Lord hides me and my child under the secret place of the most high. He will create confusion to the evil forces so that the enemy won’t be able to influence her/him anymore.
Jehovah Rappha, you are the God that heals. Deliver my child from the devil's influence. Help my child to be restored, rejuvenated and filled with the joy of the Lord. Let the Lord restore her mind, body and spirit, in the mighty name of Jesus.

A Child Dedication to the Lord

Lord, I am the mother/father of __________ that you blessed me/us with. She/he is beautifully and wonderfully made, so I have dedicated _______ to you and as long as ________ lives he/she is dedicated to you Lord and _______ will worship you all of his/her days. I put ______ into your loving arms and healing hands. I trust you Lord with my child and I believe that he/she is in your hands of love.
1 Samuel 1:26-28 26 She said, “Oh, my lord! As your soul lives, my lord, I am the woman who stood here beside you, praying to the LORD. 27 “For this boy I prayed, and the LORD has given me my petition which I asked of Him. 28 “So I have also dedicated him to the LORD; as long as he lives he is dedicated to the LORD.” And he worshiped the LORD there.

Child Dedication to the Lord

Lord, I am the mother/father of __________ that you blessed me/us with. She/he is beautifully and wonderfully made, so I have dedicated _______ to you and as long as ________ lives he/she is dedicated to you Lord and _______ will worship you all of his/her days. I put ______ into your loving arms and healing hands. I trust you Lord with my child and I believe that he/she is in your hands of love.
1 Samuel 1:26-28 26 She said, “Oh, my lord! As your soul lives, my lord, I am the woman who stood here beside you, praying to the LORD. 27 “For this boy I prayed, and the LORD has given me my petition which I asked of Him. 28 “So I have also dedicated him to the LORD; as long as he lives he is dedicated to the LORD.” And he worshiped the LORD there.